Using Canine Wisdom to Help Dogs and People Reach Their Highest Potential
Hello! Welcome to my site. I’m so excited to have you here and share myself with you. For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Kelly Lyn Marquis. I am a nationally acclaimed all breed professional dog show handler, professional writer, and certified business and life coach.
Top Professional Dog Handler
My life and business continue to grow and evolve together. I am so grateful that my work has always been my passion. I get paid to do something I love… life doesn’t get much better than that! I began professional dog handling in my twenties. As a young professional, I yearned to make a difference in my business community. My twenties and thirties were spent establishing myself as a top handler in my field. Now I am excited to step into a new role. I want to give back and share what I have learned throughout my career and life as a successful dog show handler and entrepreneur. There are a couple of new avenues I am exploring…
Life Coaching Applying Canine Wisdom
Dogs are more than companions; they are powerful teachers. Through my career as a top professional dog handler, not only did I guide my dogs to national rankings but I also learned invaluable lessons along the way. Lessons about the power of presence, attitude, instincts, love, embracing what is, and so much more. Many people intellectually grasp canine wisdom but most don’t know how to apply it in their daily lives. I do. I excel as a handler because I am able to sense and feel the needs of a dog, and use this innate ability to help dogs gain confidence and become top winners. Now I’m using this gift as a Canine Connection Life Coach to help people live a more fulfilling life. Applying canine wisdom has radically changed my life for the better and it can change yours too. Call me today to find out how at (603) 770-5607.
Contributing Writer for Dog News Magazine
As a professional writer for Dog News Magazine, I’m sharing my perspective on the challenges I face at work and how I navigate those challenges in a way that eliminates blame and demonstrates self-awareness and personal responsibility. It is my hope that my perspective may allow people to see various behaviors in a different light. Perhaps they may see a new way to work through a challenging behavior. Or, perhaps they will see themselves in a whole new light. I also write thought provoking content for my blog, Coaching Contemplations. The intent of my writing is to stimulate thought and help bring about positive change. This change begins with awareness, a willingness to more deeply understand oneself.
I invite you to sign up to receive my published articles and coaching contemplations as they are written or published.
I’d love to work with you!
Start winning in life today, schedule your complimentary life coaching session at: (603) 770-5607 Kelly @
….. Upcoming Events …..

Take The Lead provides direct services, support and care for people in the sport of purebred dogs who suffer the devastation of life-threatening or terminal illness. Please consider making a donation today.
Start creating a winning life today!
I’d love to hear from you!
Kelly Lyn Marquis
Call/text: (603) 770-5607
Kelly @